My Data
Last updated
Last updated
You can set up a privatized database and quickly upload data without requiring prior approvals.
Step 1: Enter the Contract Address and click Next
Contract conflict (with public contract or under personal name)
Step 2: Click on Project Name and Submit
The parsed contract table structure can be viewed in My Dataset after submitting the contract
Support adjusting the name of the project and contract
Press “Edit” to confirm
Support of local CSV file uploads
You can now create up to 10 data tables
The first line of the CSV file is the header, which becomes the field name following a successful import of the data.
Size of uploaded CSV file should not exceed 50MB
When data is updated using the same table name, the new data will overwrite the original data on the table.
Field names and types can be adjusted
Support for deleting the uploaded data tables and the data within.
View uploaded data under: Worksheets --> Datasets --> My Dataset
one user can only create one database